my life in fashion:1.a word became reality


    part 1: a word became reality.

    this stage of my life i have never expected before,because in the beginning,actually, i hate to draw clothes.i just love to draw cartoon,views that describing my heart's mood,and i was really enjoying myself in expressing it into a picture in a paper.

    but then again only God knows and by the power of God,my life has changed 180 degree in a few years,turned into doing something that i hate,designing clothes.

    i have always proud of myself too much so that its embarrasing for me to take other's opinion.lets say i was a selfih arrogant person. but i have to eat my own word after this.

    about 2 years ago,she, Anita, a friend i knew in the mosque,saw me drawing(actually i was the one who tried to draw an attention from peoples around me,cheesy me),that time i drew a male face and a view.she then asked me to lend her my drawing so that she could take a good look at the, i gave it to her.

    'maybe it would be better if you registered yourself into a fashion school to be a student after finishing your high school,so you can be a fashion designer,especially for moslem clothes,cause its still rare among us to have a moslem fashion designer'. that was the words i heard from her,maybe not exactly like that but the point was the same,since i hardly remember it now.

     i was giving her (again) a selfish answer.that i did not want to follow her suggestion cause i did not have any slightest interest in fashion seemed that karma fell upon me,in the end i did as she said,although it was not my will to study fashion design but more to fulfilling my mom's wish since i failed in entering art faculty in one famous state university of my town.just for one year,i have to bear with all of this fashion things and deal with my own dislike abt it.

    (note of 28th august 1997) 

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